APPEARANCE.​​ The Vendor is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the space provided in an organized and neat manner. ​Every vendor must only use approved display tables. Display tables must be approved prior to use.​​ It is the Vendor’s responsibility to remove trash and unsold merchandise from their area no later than 5pm. A Bulk Trash Fee of $50 will be applied to Vendor’s account if trash or unsold goods are left in the market.

BEHAVIOR.​​ ​​Vendors reported for profanity, threats, bullying, and other antisocial behaviors will be asked to cease sales, and immediately begin teardown and asked to leave without a refund.

FOOD AND BEVERAGES.​​​​ No food, beverage or snacks may be brought into the property by Vendor for sale. This includes water. Vendor shall only purchase food, beverages, or snacks from authorized Vendors within the property.

INSTALLATION AND TEAR DOWN.​​​​ Vendor shall set-up space(s) by 7am on Market Days and shall remain fully set-up until 11am. Vendors wishing to leave early (before 11am) must first, (Step 1) ​​contact Management, at ​407-868-1870 ​​and second ​(Step 2) ​​drive out of the market no more than ​3 mph. ​​All sales must be finalized no later than ​3pm​​ on Market days and Vendor must leave the Market no later than 6pm or pay a ​$10 fee per hour after​​. Vehicles and trailers found in or around the market on Monday mornings will be towed by Johnson’s Wrecker 580 Wilmer Ave # G, Orlando, FL 32808 (407) 293-2540.

INSURANCE.​​​​ The Vendor is solely responsible to obtain insurance coverage on personal property brought into the market, this includes an active auto insurance policy. Vendors may bring their own personal tents and set them up only if, they have a registered business in the State of Florida and their liability is covered under their businesses insurance policy. Vendors erecting their tents must include ‘Central Florida Fair, Inc’ as additionally insured.

QUALITY PRODUCTS.​​​​ Vendor must provide receipts to customers upon request with Vendor’s name, space number, date of sale, and product sold.

ENFORCEMENT OF RULES. ​​Management can’t be at all places at all times. The rules are set to keep vendor prices down. Management will inspect reported abuses of the rules. Market Director’s contact is 407-868-1870.


Hours of operation


Saturdays & Sundays


4:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Market Sales

7:00 AM to 3:00 PM


2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

$5 late entry fee paid 7am - 8am.
$10 late exit fee paid per hour starting at 6pm.


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